Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Board of studies research

  • The board of studies is at first difficult to find your way around. It is not until you start exploring all the possible links then you will find the information that is valuable to you. Things are printed clearly however for one who does not know the website back to front it may be quite daunting. This may be the reason as to why many teachers who are not used to technology have even dared to take a look at it. The BOS website is easier to navigate by using the search section and taking 10 minutes (as stated) to take a look at all the different options available . I found it a little difficullt to find my way around this website as there were so many differet options to take. It is very easy to get sidetracked on this website as things are not set out in a direct manner.

  • Studies include History briefing presentation

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