Taken from
http://surfaquarium.com/Comment: This image breaks up the 9 different Intelligences into 3 different categories. This is important to focus on as it allows teachers to understand how their students learn. This is a good diagram as it offers a visual view of learning styles and how students can be placed into groups based on the learning style they have. For the analytic students a worksheet would be more suitable, where as the interactive students would more suit an activity where they could use computers or an interactive activity. The introspective learners would be more sutited to watch a video or another media activity.
VISUAL/SPATIAL - learning visually and organizing ideas spatially. Seeing concepts in action in order to understand them. The ability to "see" things in one's mind in planning to create a product or solve a problem.
VERBAL/LINGUISTIC - learning through the spoken and written word. This intelligence was always valued in the traditional classroom and in traditional assessments of intelligence and achievement.
MATHEMATICAL/LOGICAL - learning through reasoning and problem solving. Also highly valued in the traditional classroom, where students were asked to adapt to logically sequenced delivery of instruction.
BODILY/KINESTHETIC - learning through interaction with one's environment. This intelligence is not the domain of "overly active" learners. It promotes understanding through concrete experience.
MUSICAL/RHYTHMIC - learning through patterns, rhythms and music. This includes not only auditory learning, but the identification of patterns through all the senses.
INTRAPERSONAL - learning through feelings, values and attitudes. This is a decidedly affective component of learning through which students place value on what they learn and take ownership for their learning.
INTERPERSONAL - learning through interaction with others. Not the domain of children who are simply "talkative" or "overly social." This intelligence promotes collaboration and working cooperatively with others.
NATURALIST - learning through classification, categories and hierarchies. The naturalist intelligence picks up on subtle differences in meaning. It is not simply the study of nature; it can be used in all areas of study..
EXISTENTIAL - learning by seeing the "big picture": "Why are we here?" "What is my role in the world?" "What is my place in my family, school and community?" This intelligence seeks connections to real world understandings and applications of new learning.
Comment: By understanding these different learning styles we are able to create lessons suited to how our students learn. From there teachers are now able to ensure ALL students are interested and enjoying each lesson. Teachers who do not cater for the multiple intelligences will find most students loose interest and become bored. All teachers are responsible for how there lessons run. It is important that students are given the opportunity to learn at there own pace and in a way that is suited to them.